Complete Cabling of new homes and businesses, commonly called "STRUCTURED CABLING" is becoming commonplace
in todays mutlimedia and computer environments.Most structered wiring systems are composed of three main parts, wiring,
outlets and a hub ( also called a panel or enclosure). Typically, the wiring included is Category 5e communications cabling
for telephones , Category 5e or 6 for computer networks, and two RG-6quad shield coaxial cable for TV. Ideally,
at least two runs of Cat. 5e or 6 and at least two runs of RG-6 should be run to at least one location in each room, preferably
most rooms should have two or more! Basically, the more high-speed wire in your home, the better.
A completed structured cabling enclosure with individual "modules" mounted inside the enclosure. Modules have the intelligence
to route music, telephone, TV cabling and satellite, web content and other information to the appropriate electronic components.(Top
left black cable for TV outlets - Top right green and yellow wire for telephone outlets - the blue wire @ the
extreme top is for future cumputer networking) This enclosure also includes the security system control panel
( bottom left) and all wiring associated with the home security system. In this instance all low
votlage wiring of the complete house is brought to one central location. Notice the electrical outlet in
the bottom right of the enclosure-- in this way modules that need to be powered are easly connected to electricity.